All About Alcohol
Contrary to what we are led to believe, alcohol is the worst when it comes to harmful consequences. Globally it kills 2.5 million people and nationally 75,000 people die prematurely because of alcoholism and alcohol-related illnesses. It is the third leading killer globally.
An infographic from the team at Addiction Blog
Alcohol and the modern world (INFOGRAPHIC)
Here are some sobering facts about alcohol you may not have considered:
What is heavy drinking or risky drinking?
For men 14 or more units of alcohol per week.
For women, the number drops to 7.
What is a unit of alcohol?
.6 fluid ounce or 12 grams of pure alcohol, that is a 12 oz. bottle of beer, a shot of booze or a glass of wine (1/5th of a bottle).
Prolonged alcohol abuse or heavy drinking is linked to serious health risks:
- alcoholic cardiomyopathy
- alcoholic liver disease
- decrease in bone density
- decrease in bone mass (leading to osteoporosis)
- heart arrythmias
- increased blood pressure
- increased risk of bone fracture
- loss of immune response
- stroke
But, just being drunk can be bad in the short term.
- impaired, drunk or intoxicated driving
- fighting and violence, including domestic violence
- child neglect: 7.5 million children or 1 in 10 children live in homes with alcohol use disorder
- accidents
Lest we forget: alcohol costs money, it has calories, and it speeds up the ageing process.