Blogging for Sobriety

I am a big proponent of journaling as a way to keep things honest between you and yourself. It's an invaluable tool that deepens self-awareness, whether or not you are in therapy.

And, there is blogging, not blogging as marketing, but personal blogging. It is a form of journaling, but it's not the lock-and-key, Dear Diary variety. Personal blogging is like keeping a journal that's meant to be read by whomever. It's personal and public at the same time.

It's therapeutic because making a declaration, which isn't exactly shouting, blogger reminds herself of who she is and what she aspires to become. It's writing for self-reflection and inviting others to witness the process, which CAN be an act of courage and commitment, or just a form of narcissism. It's much like "Hi, I am so and so, and I am an alcoholic" part of AA. 

Which brings me back to sober blogging. I like this blog very much for the reasons cited above and more. I hope it can inspire others to rethink their relationship to alcohol.

Pills Are So Hip!


Why AA Isn't Hip